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Carl Simons

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Tournaments Recently Participated In
Tournament Date Initial Rating Final Rating
2005 Winter Broward TT Open 01/09/2005 1481 1483
Maryland Circuit 06/13/2004 1482 1481
2004 Inaugural Spring Broward 05/23/2004 1532 1482
2003 Seminole TT Classic 10/04/2003 1522 1532
2003 U.S. Open 07/06/2003 1530 1522
Stiga Open on the 2003 Stiga N 06/15/2003 1502 1530
1ST Annual Central Florida Fal 10/19/2002 1472 1502
BCC September Open 09/21/2002 1480 1472
2002 U.S. Open 07/07/2002 1358 1480
BCC Summer Open 06/02/2002 1456 1358
1st Annual Countryside Open 05/26/2002 1299 1456
So Florida Winter Open 01/13/2002 1305 1299
Florida State Closed 08/26/2001 1306 1305
2001 Coral Springs Chinese Cul 07/01/2001 1303 1306
2000 USATT National Championsh 12/17/2000 1208 1303
So. FL TTT 11/04/2000 1256 1208
Florida State Closed 08/27/2000 1288 1256
U.S. Open/ITTF Pro Tour 07/09/2000 1289 1288
Florida One Day RR 04/29/2000 1286 1289
Pace Table Tennis/Media One 04/08/2000 1250 1286
Florida One Day RR 02/19/2000 1251 1250
Orlando Winter Open 02/06/2000 1207 1251
10/10 Chinese One Day RR 10/09/1999 1233 1207
Florida State Closed 08/29/1999 0 1233
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