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Daniel Bruno

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Leagues Recently Participated In
League Event Date Initial Rating Final Rating
WCTTA Saturday League 01/30/2016 1777 1773
WCTTA Saturday League 01/23/2016 1774 1777
WCTTA Saturday League 10/17/2015 1764 1774
WCTTA Saturday League 10/10/2015 1741 1764
WCTTA Saturday League 10/03/2015 1733 1741
WCTTA Saturday League 09/26/2015 1730 1733
WCTTA Saturday League 09/19/2015 1776 1730
WCTTA Saturday League 09/12/2015 1776 1776
WCTTA Saturday League 09/05/2015 1720 1776
WCTTA Saturday League 08/22/2015 1720 1720
WCTTA Saturday League 08/15/2015 1711 1720
The Top Spin Saturday League 10/05/2013 1716 1711
The Top Spin Saturday League 04/13/2013 1716 1716
The Top Spin Saturday League 03/23/2013 1698 1716
The Top Spin Saturday League 03/17/2013 1698 1698
The Top Spin Saturday League 03/09/2013 1715 1698
The Top Spin Saturday League 02/23/2013 1722 1715
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 01/09/2010 1715 1722
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 10/17/2009 1706 1715
ICC - Advanced League 10/12/2009 1711 1706
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 10/08/2009 1717 1711
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 09/26/2009 1723 1717
ICC - Advanced League 09/21/2009 1758 1723
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 09/19/2009 1725 1758
ICC - Advanced League 08/31/2009 1742 1725
ICC - Advanced League 08/24/2009 1725 1742
ICC - Advanced League 08/17/2009 1719 1725
ICC - Advanced League 08/10/2009 1724 1719
ICC - Advanced League 07/27/2009 1706 1724
ICC - Advanced League 07/20/2009 1729 1706
ICC - Advanced League 07/13/2009 1734 1729
Alameda Table Tennis Club 10/21/2008 1701 1734
Alameda Table Tennis Club 10/14/2008 1669 1701
Alameda Table Tennis Club 09/23/2008 1624 1669
Ping Pong Dojo 08/16/2008 1598 1624
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 05/09/2008 1583 1598
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 05/04/2008 1653 1583
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 04/19/2008 1669 1653
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 04/06/2008 1662 1669
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 03/16/2008 1660 1662
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 02/23/2008 1645 1660
Bay Area Table Tennis Federation 02/02/2008 1637 1645
NATT 07/01/2007 0 1637
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