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Jose G. Bulatao

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Leagues Recently Participated In
League Event Date Initial Rating Final Rating
Ping Pong Dojo 05/17/2008 1445 1435
Ping Pong Dojo 05/03/2008 1459 1445
Ping Pong Dojo 04/26/2008 1426 1459
Ping Pong Dojo 03/29/2008 1397 1426
ICC Juniors and Adults League 10/13/2006 1405 1397
ICC Juniors and Adults League 08/11/2006 1305 1405
ICC Juniors and Adults League 08/04/2006 1298 1305
Milpitas Sports Center 07/22/2006 1309 1298
ICC Juniors and Adults League 07/20/2006 1309 1309
ICC Juniors and Adults League 06/30/2006 0 1309
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