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Match Results

Tournament The 2009 Cleveland Winter Open
Date: - 02/01/2009

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Pech, David 33163
Syal, Ravi
19404 7, 9, -5, 7 10 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Bernard, Jeremy
24407 6, 4, 1 0 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Khandelwal, Harsh
31277 7, 8, 6 3 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Khandelwal, Harsh
31277 6, -8, 2, 7 3 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Khandelwal, Siddharth
31279 9, -8, -8, 7, 6 2 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Khandelwal, Siddharth
31279 2, 6, -11, 9 2 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Mehrabian, Alex
8562 7, 9, 6 16 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Parau, Robert
79207 5, 2, 7 0 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Parau, Robert
79207 6, 4, 8 0 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Pech, Seth
32337 -3, 8, -5, 6, 14 13 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Ranasinghe, Shelton
76989 7, 8, 5 0 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Schulz, Kevin
26661 3, -9, 7, -9, 4 20 vs
Pech, Keith 32336
Steiner, Samuel
10266 9, 8, -7, 6 7 vs
Pech, Lia 69876
Cho, Jewon
78678 10, 9, 7 50 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Bailey, Anthony
77312 0, 11, 2 0 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Bailey, Michael
27261 9, 0, -9, 8 0 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Cho, Jewon
78678 6, 4, 6 0 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Christopher, Eric
78679 3, 3, -5, 6 0 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Ip, Tak Cheong
30468 7, 5, -12, 15 35 vs
Pech, Seth 32337
Khandelwal, Harsh
31277 8, 9, 7 2 vs