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Match Results

Tournament Best of the Midwest
Date: - 07/27/2008
Player: Hongjun Shu
Pre Tournament Rating:
Post Tournament Rating:

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Shu, Hongjun 77136
Wilson, Perry
73173 5, -10, 4, 5 4 vs
Joseph, Ronald 28064
Shu, Hongjun
77136 -15, 6, -6, 9, 7 8 vs
Leslie, Tom 18503
Shu, Hongjun
77136 -9, 9, 9, -11, 3 13 vs
Qu, Xiaoge 72004
Shu, Hongjun
77136 5, 9, -2, 5 7 vs