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Match Results

Tournament Best of the Midwest
Date: - 07/27/2008
Player: Pezhman Shams
Pre Tournament Rating: 1866
Post Tournament Rating: 1800
How was this rating calculated?

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Burnett, Randy
25202 6, 5, 4 3 vs
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Fullen, Dave
20101 6, 8, 9 0 vs
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Luo, Cameron
27961 -4, -11, 8, 8, 5 5 vs
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Qu, Xiaoge
72004 -9, 9, 10, -4, 12 0 vs
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Snider, Alicia
25019 5, -6, 4, -9, 9 3 vs
Shams, Pezhman 28196
Thompson, George
27715 7, 3, 9 0 vs
Hawkins, Larry 6514
Shams, Pezhman
28196 7, 5, -4, 9 7 vs
Hawkins, Larry 6514
Shams, Pezhman
28196 7, 6, 8 7 vs
Lau, Paik-Kooi 71327
Shams, Pezhman
28196 8, 10, -10, -6, 5 13 vs
Qu, Xiaoge 72004
Shams, Pezhman
28196 12, -6, -5, 8, 10 50 vs