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Match Results

Tournament New Jersey Open on the N.A. To
Date: - 04/03/2005
Player: Larry Bavly
Pre Tournament Rating: 2062
Post Tournament Rating: 2205
How was this rating calculated?

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Bavly, Larry 47761
Boyarskiy, Vladislav
32328 -4, -8, 6, 8, 7 20 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Budiman, Danya
42124 2, 2, 9 0 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Chang, Fernando
29292 10, -6, 3, 9 0 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Cruz, Ronnie
23842 -9, 5, 5, 3, -9, 4 2 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
De Jong, Ivar
21705 8, 6, 5 0 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Fan, Alden
18750 2, -5, -8, 9, 9, 7 2 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Lisova, Julia
20062 4, 7, -11, 7 0 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Manor, Zvi
29991 10, 7, 8 6 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Thai, Brian
31602 -9, 4, 7, 4 0 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Uchida, Jeffrey
61064 4, 6, -10, 5 3 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Wechsler, Marius
10970 4, 6, -9, 3 7 vs
Bavly, Larry 47761
Wetmore, Michael
26794 3, 7, -7, 11 0 vs
Hugh, Judy 14203
Bavly, Larry
47761 -5, 3, -15, 8, 11, 7 4 vs
Ort, Valeriy 9669
Bavly, Larry
47761 4, 5, 6 13 vs