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Match Results

Tournament The Foothills XV 2013 Open
Date: - 08/03/2013
Player: Tim Neuendorf
Pre Tournament Rating: 1618
Post Tournament Rating: 1638
How was this rating calculated?

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Neuendorf, Tim 83423
Acred, Danny
91688 4, 6, 6 0 vs
Neuendorf, Tim 83423
Caplin, Stuart
4668 13, 8, 7 13 vs
Neuendorf, Tim 83423
Fakharpour, Peyton
34743 3, 7, 2 7 vs
Neuendorf, Tim 83423
Mcmillin, Kathryn
34711 2, 5, -6, 7 6 vs
Neuendorf, Tim 83423
Moyant, Kyle
82256 -8, 3, 9, 7 2 vs
Dickson, Roger 57866
Neuendorf, Tim
83423 6, 6, -5, 6 2 vs
Parakh, Neville 13615
Neuendorf, Tim
83423 10, -11, -11, 9, 9 6 vs
Yang, Ely 81413
Neuendorf, Tim
83423 4, 5, 12 0 vs