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Match Results

Tournament Stiga Open on the 2003 Stiga N
Date: - 06/15/2003

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Wei, Barbara 17408
Lathrop, Eric
53233 7, 2, 6 0 vs
Wei, Barbara 17408
Liu, Louis
29229 3, 8, -9, 7 0 vs
Wetmore, Michael 26794
Bair, Adam
25023 7, 2, 5 0 vs
Wetmore, Michael 26794
Brady, Allen
23849 4, 7, 6 0 vs
Wetmore, Michael 26794
Eng, Ray
29904 9, 11, -13, -6, 9 0 vs
Wetmore, Michael 26794
Lathrop, Eric
53233 -10, 10, -10, 6, 8 10 vs
Wetmore, Michael 26794
Solodovnik, Aleksey
26406 6, 3, -1, -8, 11 0 vs
Wetzler, John 11058
Charles, Grantley
59529 6, 7, 8 1 vs
Wetzler, John 11058
Lathrop, Eric
53233 3, 6, 8 0 vs
Williams, Vibert 5708
Brady, Allen
23849 6, 3, 5 0 vs
Williams, Vibert 5708
Ma, Kevin
20359 6, -9, 8, 6 0 vs
Williams, Vibert 5708
Prieto, Alberto
22792 8, 8, 11 2 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Boyer, Darryl
25024 6, -9, -6, 7, 6 10 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Godfrey, Nelson
23375 10, 8, 7 0 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Lathrop, Eric
53233 -7, 10, 6, 7 7 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Phan, Tony
29150 11, 6, 10 0 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Russel, Samuel
27454 10, 9, 9 2 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Shorter, Kevin
28378 -4, 8, 7, 8 1 vs
Wu, Z.J. 29902
Wyatt, Jim
25037 6, 5, 8 0 vs
Wyatt, Jim 25037
Wartski, Jerry
14619 -8, 9, 8, -8, 7 35 vs