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Match Results

Tournament Stiga Open on the 2001 Stiga N
Date: - 09/30/2001
Player: Eric Lathrop
Pre Tournament Rating: 1525
Post Tournament Rating: 1573
How was this rating calculated?

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Chou, Roger
20358 -7, 4, -3, 6, 9 0 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Dong, Steve
20995 6, 4, 3 0 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Fan, Alden
18750 8, 5, 9, 9 10 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Fan, Wei
17300 -9, 8, -8, 10, 7 30 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Pham, Viet
40762 8, 7, 11 40 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Vysotskaya, Luydmila
1641 9, 10, 6 1 vs
Lathrop, Eric 53233
Yeung, Peter
24389 6, -6, 9, 3 0 vs
Allen, Alvin 63178
Lathrop, Eric
53233 3, 6, 8 0 vs
Cheng, David 17891
Lathrop, Eric
53233 5, -10, 8, -10, 12, 4 5 vs
Good, Stephen 47316
Lathrop, Eric
53233 5, 3, 8 0 vs
Mendez, George 1689
Lathrop, Eric
53233 -6, 6, 9, 9 6 vs
Momios, Evan 19643
Lathrop, Eric
53233 5, 4, -7, 4 0 vs
Saxe, Merritt 55480
Lathrop, Eric
53233 6, -7, 7, 5, -9, -8, 9 20 vs
Scott, Albert 53055
Lathrop, Eric
53233 8, 7, 7 2 vs
Ward, Harry 49501
Lathrop, Eric
53233 -4, 6, 3, 0 0 vs