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Match Results

Tournament City of Atlanta Jr. League Par
Date: - 01/02/2000
Player: Romane Davidson
Pre Tournament Rating:
Post Tournament Rating:

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Davidson, Romane 20638
Crawford, DeVongalo
20633 -13, 13, 11 5 vs
Davidson, Romane 20638
Crawford, DeVongalo
20633 -13, 13, 11 5 vs
Davidson, Romane 20638
Maxwell, Quinton
20636 16, -19, 15 1 vs
Hardy, Joseph R. 11533
Davidson, Romane
20638 -22, 17, 16 7 vs
Ufot, Edima 20077
Davidson, Romane
20638 17, 18 4 vs
Ufot, Edima 20077
Davidson, Romane
20638 -13, 20, 13 4 vs