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League Event Match Results

League Name: Pong Planet Friday Night, Tuesday Night, And Saturday Leagues

Event Date: 9 Jul 2024

For player:

Pre League Rating: 589

Post League Rating: 591

How was this rating calculated?

4 matches

 -- Not current member or subscriber.
Winner Loser
Name USATT # Rating Name USATT # Rating Score +/- Head to Head
281321 647
283380 589 6 vs
283380 589
282551 637 13 vs
283380 589 7 vs
283380 589
277147 420 2 vs

Rating Changes for League Event

27 players

Name USATT # Begin Rating End Rating +/-
Sanguinetti, George 9713 1288 1271 -17
Pleikis, Victor 139998 1302 1314 12
Dhayalan, Mohan 217791 98 99 1
Buelow, Roland 230674 238 231 -7
Hsu, Ryan 263649
Shaposhnikov, Alexander 265133 956 924 -32
Liang, Yubin 266540 1380 1381 1
Shih, Albert 270472
Wang, Lingyue 270949 469 474 5
SHAHRAZ, SAEID 272439 669 780 111
Kravtchenko, Vladimir 272905 1004 996 -8
Daruwala, Cyrus 273340 557 569 12
Zhao, Shiji 274918 1260 1245 -15
Krishnappa Mahesh, Shishir 276502 1031 1024 -7
Kakarala, Abhinav 276728 1017 1204 187
Niranjan Gowda, Deshna 277147 420 460 40
Guo, Michelle 277351 92 77 -15
Panin, Dmitry 277631 117 129 12
Tang, Gregory 279297 1168 1159 -9
Montebello Milani, Pedro 279614 404 404 0
Sung, Ben-han 279621 337 332 -5
Hu, Lehan 280253 0 0 0
Moshkforoush, Arash 280307 1327 1336 9
Palla, Siva 280426 201 220 19
Hwang, Haesung 281321 647 633 -14
Cai, Stanley 282551 637 577 -60
Ghafourian, Amin 283380 589 591 2

* - Manually adjusted rating