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League Event Match Results

League Name: Pong Planet Friday Night, Tuesday Night, And Saturday Leagues

Event Date: 16 Apr 2024

For player:

Pre League Rating: 1289

Post League Rating: 1278

How was this rating calculated?

3 matches

 -- Not current member or subscriber.
Winner Loser
Name USATT # Rating Name USATT # Rating Score +/- Head to Head
275263 1341
280307 1289 6 vs
280307 1289
139998 1300 8 vs
279297 1330*
280307 1289 13 vs

Rating Changes for League Event

28 players

Name USATT # Begin Rating End Rating +/-
Pleikis, Victor 139998 1300 1292 -8
Yavorskiy, Alexander 93872 1496 1509 13
Semikhatsky, Yury 214774 1049 1005 -44
Lochu, Myriam 219400 1150 1140 -10
Tang, Spencer 229780 287 284 -3
Buelow, Roland 230674 151 152 1
Shaposhnikov, Alexander 265133 835 923 88
Liang, Yubin 266540 1431 1416 -15
Chai, Xuedong 267640 263 258 -5
Tsinker, Vadim 268686 383 379 -4
Shih, Albert 270472 545 538 -7
Xu, Leo 271150 760 762 2
Yao, Ethan 271880 1410 1415 5
Kravtchenko, Vladimir 272905 1109 1045 -64
Xiao, Karina 273642 963 993 30
Zhao, Shiji 274918 1065 1101 36
Li, Zekun 275263 1341 1314 -27
Krishnappa Mahesh, Shishir 276502 538 547 9
Singh, Aadev Augustine 277350 129 98 -31
M K, Mahesh 278928 895 938 43
Tang, Gregory 279297 1242 1330* 88
Montebello Milani, Pedro 279614 310 320 10
Sung, Ben-han 279621 336 339 3
Moshkforoush, Arash 280307 1289 1278 -11
Maciuca, Romeo 281462 889 874 -15
Hu, John 282348 209 240 31
Cai, Stanley 282551 317 309 -8
Zand Moghaddam, Ahmad 283100 50 59 9

* - Manually adjusted rating