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Match Results

Tournament The 2004 Cleveland Spring Open
Date: - 05/23/2004

Winner Loser
Name USATT# Name USATT# Event Score +/- Head to Head
Arnold, Lawrence 25813
Zhang, Huixiong
24986 7, 6, 4 0 vs
Bailey, Michael 27261
Brathwaite, Ormond
24985 9, 9, 7 50 vs
Bailey, Michael 27261
Walden, Kim
32340 -9, 7, 9, -7, 10 7 vs
Balogh, M. Tundi 21801
Brewer, Christopher
30031 5, 3, 6 0 vs
Balogh, M. Tundi 21801
Hagg, Tommy
32316 5, 4, 6 0 vs
Balogh, M. Tundi 21801
Linetsky, Vladislav
32331 7, -7, 5, 4 0 vs
Balogh, Miklos 19476
Nosin, Mark
2985 4, 6, 8 0 vs
Balogh, Miklos 19476
Nosin, Mark
2985 9, 7, 5 0 vs
Banko, Joe 16224
Giszpenc, Vladimir
58811 6, 10, 10 4 vs
Banko, Joe 16224
Ng, Cheok
32335 -8, 6, 7, 5 10 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Balogh, Miklos
19476 9, -9, 8, -11, 3 5 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Dietz, Roy
5368 -7, -9, 9, 4, 7 6 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Halbig, Fred
6364 8, -7, 7, -6, 1 6 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Nosin, Mark
2985 6, -10, 9, 5 0 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Nosin, Mark
2985 8, 6, 7 0 vs
Berenson, David 4193
Obricki, Michael
24717 6, -10, 7, 11 0 vs
Brathwaite, Ormond 24985
Walden, Kim
32340 -4, 9, 6, 3 0 vs
Brewer, Anthony (A.J.) 26516
Bailey, Michael
27261 1, 2, 7 0 vs
Brewer, Anthony (A.J.) 26516
Bailey, Michael
27261 1, 2, 3 0 vs
Brewer, Anthony (A.J.) 26516
Balogh, Miklos
19476 6, 5, 6 3 vs